The Most Effective Ways To Beat a Weight Loss Plateau

Hitting a plateau in your weight loss journey can be frustrating and confusing, especially when you feel like you’re doing everything right. Plateaus are a normal part of the process but the thought of eating less or working out more can feel discouraging and honestly, exhausting. 

Luckily, there are effective ways to see progress again that don’t have to be so draining! Below are four reliable methods to break through a weight loss plateau and continue towards your goal.

Eat More

Our bodies are extremely efficient machines. So, the less you eat, the less energy you have access to.

Although you’ll see results from cutting calories in the beginning, eventually, your body will adapt, and you’ll have to cut the calories even more. This quickly becomes exhausting, especially if you’re a long way from your goal.

One way to avoid this, start eating MORE food. Gradually increase calories to recover your metabolism for long-term success.

You may even find your weight begins to fluctuate down with more food simply from the added energy. 

Ensure the food you’re adding is healthy whole foods and not processed junk.

You’ll find more significant and lasting results when eating real food.

Eat Better Food

What is the quality of the calories you’re eating?

If you’re eating mostly processed foods, you may be eating more calories than you think. Even if they’re marketed as healthy!

How so? Nutritional facts can be upwards of 20% off on packaged foods. If you’re having mostly processed snacks/meals, you’re likely eating more than you think. 

Take the time to incorporate real, whole foods into your diet to ensure you’re eating the appropriate macro ratios and receiving all the micronutrients needed for your body to function properly.

Try switching your macro ratios - increase protein and fat, go low carb for a bit or vice versa for some diet adjustments that could move the needle.

Switch Up Your Workouts

If you’ve been following the same workout routine since the beginning of time, its time for a new challenge.

Placing too much stress on your body can also come in the form of intense workouts.

If you’re allowing your 1-2 hour workout to drain you of your daily energy, it’s not helping you as much as you think. In this case, try adding more low-impact walks, yoga, or mobility days. 

Strength training is a superior form of exercise for fat loss.

If you’re heavy on the cardio, try exchanging a few days of those days with a consistent strength training routine for better results. 

Check Your Sleep & Stress

Sleep and stress are the foundation of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

High stress and inadequate sleep will dramatically slow down your results.

High levels of stress increase baseline Cortisol levels which can lead to excess fat around the midsection. Additionally, falling short on sleep creates an imbalance with hunger hormones which leads to an increase in appetite and cravings. 

If this sounds like you, redirect your attention and make sure your stress and sleep are at healthy levels. Once this is accomplished, reaching your goals will be much easier.


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