Your Guide To A Bigger Butt

Honestly, It’s something I’ve personally been working on for probably 5+ years. A lot of trial and error, copying social media influencers, and finding what works and what’s just a fad.

Building a bigger butt isn’t so straightforward and requires patience and hard work. Let me help you avoid the mistakes I made and get your biggest booty as fast as possible.

Eat Plenty of Food

To build any muscle, you need to fuel your body. When you’re training any muscle, you’re creating stress which leads to micro-tears. For the muscle to effectively repair itself, adapt, and become bigger and stronger, you need energy in the form of calories.  

However, this is no excuse to eat unhealthy and highly processed foods. Your muscles need healthy whole foods high in carbs and protein to reach their greatest potential.

Properly fueling your body will play a major role in obtaining a physique to be proud of.

Shoot for three meals a day consisting of carbs, protein, and fat, and throw in an extra snack (preferably protein-packed) if needed.

Train Close To Failure

Muscle growth is all part of the adaptation process. We need to push our muscles to their limits (or very close to) to see them adapt and grow larger.

Working out should feel like a challenge and be quite taxing on the body. 

Try performing your exercises until you feel like you can only do another 2-3 proper reps. Depending on your experience level, throw in a few sets to complete failure where you can’t do another rep with proper form.

It’s important to understand that when going to failure, you do heighten the risk of injury so be mindful of the exercises you choose when implementing this technique.

Also, there is a sweet spot. Failure training is exhausting for your body and central nervous system so it’s best to use it sparingly.  

My favorite way to use failure training is on a safe exercise, like the hip thrust, one or two times per week, for added variety that leads to results without overworking my body.

Switch It Up

Most of us find what has worked and get stuck in that style of training, rep range, exercises, etc. then see our results begin to plateau.

If you’re serious about glute growth it’s best to go in with a consistent plan that adds enough variety to keep it challenging and promotes muscle adaptation.

I’m not saying to switch it up every workout, in fact, you shouldn’t. You can adjust exercise type, rest periods, rep ranges, add isometric exercises, single-leg, or pulses. 

It’s best to develop a plan you can stick to for 4-6 weeks and just as you’re getting good and seeing results, adjust a few modalities for a new challenge.

Make Time For Recovery

There is no muscle growth without proper recovery. As I’ve mentioned, when working a muscle, you’re creating micro-tears so your recovery is, quite literally, a healing process for your muscles.

Placing appropriate time between workouts, getting enough sleep, and eating properly are all important for full muscle recovery.

Pro Tip

Be sure to listen to your body and how you’re feeling.

Many get attached to the feeling of being sore but extended soreness indicates we’re not allowing the necessary recovery for our bodies and only works against us in the long run.

Consistency is King

Consistency with a mediocre program will get you farther than inconsistency with an excellent program. Consistency is by far the biggest mover.

Shoot for 2-3 glute-focused leg days per week and with proper nutrition and recovery you’re bound to see major results.


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