2 Truths & A Lie: Ozempic

Imagine a magic pill (or injection) to easily help shed that extra weight. I’m sure you’ve heard of Ozempic. It’s become vastly popular as a game-changer in the world of weight loss. Semaglutide is the active ingredient behind Ozempic’s success. This peptide works its magic to mimic the feeling of fullness by stimulating the pancreas to produce insulin when glucose is present, such as after you eat a meal, which leads to a dramatic decrease in overall hunger and cravings. But before you get too excited, we’re here to discuss the fine print. While its true Ozempic has helped many realize major success on their weight loss journey, there’s still a lot to take into consideration before starting with Ozempic.

True: Ozempic helps you lose weight but offers no solution in keeping it off

The reality is, we don’t have a weight loss problem as much as a keeping weight off problem. Thousands of people successfully lose weight every year, many studies show that roughly 90% of people end up back where they started, or even heavier. The roller coaster of drastic weight loss and weight gain can be discouraging, exhausting and a serious toll on the body. Ozempic can be a fantastic addition to kickstart weight loss. However, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution for keeping the pounds away. To achieve true weight loss, you have to establish healthier daily habits, improve coping mechanisms and attachments, and adjust your lifestyle. This is not some small feat and will require major changes. Although Ozempic can give you a headstart, it won’t create lasting habits for you. Practitioners can help ease you off Ozempic to avoid rapid weight rebound but the difficulty of staying on track can catch many off guard. A quick fix hardly ever works for long term success. Establishing and maintaining healthy weight loss is a journey and will look different for everyone.

True: A health/nutrition coach or trainer will be more important than ever

Sure - Ozempic is great, but receiving support to ensure your progress sticks around for the long term will be key.  An experienced coach and/or trainer will be great help in showing you ways to navigate life in a healthy and sustainable way. Ozempic can work almost too well at killing appetite, making it a challenge to eat enough, and the body is highly efficient. If you teach your body to survive on minimal calories, that’s all it will continue to burn for you. This can lead to rapid fat gain as you begin to taper off Ozempic with a metabolism much slower than it once was. Additionally, consistency with an appropriate strength training routine will be crucial for maintaining muscle and therefore supporting the metabolism due to the energy needed to keep muscle on the body. Investing in a coach who can periodize your fitness and nutrition program to avoid injury and maintain muscle during this time will pay dividends in the long run.

Bottom line, establishing a healthy strength training routine, prioritizing protein and maintaining calorie intake above a healthy range are the keys to results that stick. This is much easier with the right support and coaches in your corner.

False: Ozempic is a great place to start your weight loss journey

Ozempic is best integrated strategically into an already-established health routine that includes proper movement, strength training and a consistent whole-foods based diet. As mentioned earlier, our issue isn’t just losing weight; it’s keeping it off. While Ozempic is a helpful ally with weight loss, it doesn’t lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. Creating a healthy way of life is a journey that spans years and requires letting go of old habits and beliefs while building new routines, habits, and, quite possibly, healthier and more supportive relationships. Being overweight isn’t healthy and many of us can dramatically improve our wellbeing by simply dropping excess fat. However, the yo-yo of repeatedly dropping and gaining weight is also unhealthy and only complicates your weight loss journey in the long run. Ozempic can be a positive addition in a weight loss journey that already has a strong foundation and the appropriate coaches and support.

Ozempic has proved to be incredibly beneficial for many people on their weight loss journey. However, a healthy weight can only be maintained with consistent and healthy habits. Outsourcing support, making the necessary lifestyle changes and finding habits that effortlessly fit into your life will be the best approach when considering Ozempic.


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