5 Ways To Show Your Body Some Love

If you learn anything from me, please let it be this: taking care of yourself should be your number one priority. Whether it’s engaging in certain activities or setting boundaries, everyday take time for one or two of these activities to fill your cup. Life can be crazy, exhausting, wonderful, draining, exciting, etc. Through the good stress and bad - check in with yourself.

Sweet Dreams

Okay, duh. But honestly, a lot of us could use more sleep. Our circadian rhythms sync up almost perfectly with the rising and setting of the sun. Although everyone is different, constantly skimping on the standard eight hours of sleep will catch up with you. Most of us function best with a solid eight hours, so when we consistently clock closer to 6 or 7, we’re basically running on 25% less fuel. Sleep is a great opportunity for our entire body to reset and recover. I guarantee you will experience better productivity, heightened mood and an improved resilience to stress when you allow yourself to get the full nights rest you deserve.

Eat Foods That Love You Back

When you eat like shit you feel like shit. In all seriousness, your body IS your temple. The right food will keep you feeling satiated, energized, and will digest smoothly. The strongest foundation for happiness is a healthy connection to your body. This doesn’t exist if your main source of fuel is overly processed junk food. Source out nutrient density, high protein and foods you enjoy to eat and that allow social connection. Have fun with this, too! Find a farmer’s market, try new flavors from an ethnic grocery store and experiment with different recipes for some excitement and variety.

Lift Weights

Any movement appropriate for your body will be healthy. However, strength training really does rise above the rest. This is especially true for women, who have been encouraged to stick with light weights and cardio for many years. Personally, there are few places I’m more comfortable & confident than in the gym. But I understand this isn’t the case for everyone. However, strength training has some serious health benefits - both mental and physical. It’s a great deterrent of stress and anxiety, builds muscle, increases metabolism, improves movement & flexibility and so much more.

Mental Stillness

No matter how physically healthy one is, it’s our inner sense of self-worth and understanding that truly counts. A consistent meditation practice can improve sleep, sharpen focus, boost creativity, increase resilience to stress and anxiety and much more. Plus, it offers a rare moment of mental stillness amidst the daily 70,000-80,000 thoughts we can have in a day! Just 10 minutes a day can clear and refocus your perspective. But I totally get it - one size does not fit all. Try a variety of different meditation methods to see what fits. Sound baths, guided meditation, breathwork, and meditation walks are just a few options to create some space with the world around you.

Self Love

Soo yeah, the cats out of the bag. We likely all do it. And if you don’t, maybe start?? Pleasuring yourself shouldn’t be as taboo, especially for women, as it is. Outside of the obvious perk, there are some notable health benefits associated with masturbation. It can serve as a pain reliever if you struggle with painful cramps, back pain or headaches, especially during your period. Additionally, it's a great way to self-soothe and boost your endorphins. Getting to know your body and gaining confidence in your sexuality is an under-appreciated way to show yourself some love and gain a better understanding of your sexual do’s and don’ts. 


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