5 Tips For a Flat Stomach By Summer

You heard me correctly - a flat stomach by summer is totally doable. And it can also mean more energy, boosted confidence and an overall better vibe. So what's the secret? Mostly your eating habits. Implement the five steps below & easily trim some extra pounds before summer.

Low Calorie, High Protein

The secret to consistent weight loss is eating foods you love and that leave you satisfied.

An easy way to find success?? Incorporate more high protein and low calorie foods.

Protein is not only delicious but also the most satiating macronutrient so you won’t be left feeling hungry. I love adding low-calorie high protein foods to my meals or snacks to ensure I’m feeling well-fed.

Some of my favorites are greek yogurt, bone broth (also amazing for hair/skin!), cottage cheese, lean red meat, tuna packet, and jerky.. Just to name a few!

Supplementing with protein powder is also a great way to increase your protein intake. My favorites are the Whey Protein from Legion and the Chocolate Bone Broth Protein from Paleovalley. They’re both delicious, easy to use and versatile - my go-to breakfast is protein powder mixed into greek yogurt!

Although most of your protein should come from real whole-foods, supplementing with powders is a convenient and fun way to add variety and hit your protein goals.

Be Careful With Fat Intake

Like with all things, the dose makes the poison.

While dietary fat is essential for a healthy diet, it can significantly contribute to calorie intake.

Unlike carbs or proteins, which provide 4 calories per gram, fat packs 9 calories per gram.

Therefore, foods like cooking oils, nut butters, avocados, etc can quickly escalate calorie consumption, even though they can be very nutritious.

Although not necessary to eliminate them entirely, be careful with the serving size. Try measuring or weighing the fat you plan to eat to ensure you’re not eating more than what is necessary. You may be surprised to see what a true single tablespoon of peanut butter looks like!

Fat is also hyper-palatable and not particularly filling so it makes it easy to over-consume. Being more precise and methodical with your fat intake can save you hundreds of calories and help you effortlessly lose some extra body fat. 

Try A Sober Month

Or even two. Alcohol offers no nutritional benefits outside of social enjoyment.

If you have true fat loss goals, cutting out (or significantly decreasing) alcohol intake will yield amazing results.

Alcohol can slow down your metabolism by up to 50%! The body perceives alcohol as a poison so when consumed, everything else is put on pause and number one priority is to metabolize the alcohol. However, this means that anything else you’ve eaten is now more readily stored as fat.

Additionally, alcohol lowers our inhibitions which increases the likelihood to indulge in food that doesn’t align with our goals. Many restaurants are accommodating in creating fun mocktails or omitting alcohol in the traditional drinks so you don’t feel like you’re missing out. Also, it’s always good to test your attachment to alcohol.

If you can’t seem to go an entire month without a drink, it may signify an unhealthy dependency or coping mechanism that could use addressing.

Cook More Meals At Home

Having control over what we’re putting in our bodies is much easier when we cook from home. Even the “healthy” options at restaurants can contain excess oils and butter that are packed with extra calories.

It’s also easier to exercise your willpower muscle in an environment where you have more control, like your very own kitchen, as opposed to a restaurant with a variety of tempting options on their menu. While we can make smart choices when going out to eat or ordering in, the simplicity of home cooking generally prevails.

Just by simply cutting down the amount of time spent in restaurants, we can see a dramatic drop in the amount of calories consumed.

Challenge yourself to prepare healthier home-made versions of your favorite meals & take it as an opportunity to bond with a loved one or family.

Another way to add some excitement is to experiment with ethnically sourced spices and sauces to try out different flavors and textures.

Control What You Can Control

What foods are in your kitchen right now? Do you keep tempting and unhealthy snacks in your environment? Well, you shouldn’t.

Especially if you have genuine aesthetic goals.

Why make this harder than it needs to be?

If it doesn’t support your health goals, it really shouldn’t have a place in your kitchen.

Fill your fridge with fruits, veggies, lean proteins, complex carbs and a few of your favorite spices and truly, you should be set. Minimize the presence of processed foods that provide delicious and addictive convenience but detract from your goals.

Achieving lasting aesthetic and health goals requires a long-term approach to changing the way you look at yourself, the food you eat, your habits, and much more. Often, adopting a slightly less balanced diet with a strong emphasis on nutritious foods can bring us to an improved and healthier balance as it reveals how little you really need junk food.

Plan ahead and control your environment and reaching your aesthetic goals will be that much easier.


A Practice of Self Discovery


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