A Practice of Self Discovery

Journaling.. Essentially the adult version of a diary. Journaling dates all the way back to the 10th century! Throughout history, we’ve shown that we can be our own source of mental clarity and well-being.. And it’s right at our fingertips! With journaling readily accessible, it serves as a valuable tool amidst the chaos of daily life. Let's explore ways in which a journaling practice can enhance and expand your thought processes and overall well-being.

Journaling can be 10 minutes of “you” time for a mental safe-haven and thought organization.

Imagination, creativity, curiosity

We have around 70,000 thoughts a day!

Journaling is a great way to clear your mental channels and unshuffle your thoughts. Take a moment to acknowledge and expand on some of your most recurring thoughts or ideas. You’ll discover you have the answers to a lot of your own questions and likely contain a deep source of creativity you haven’t tapped into. 

Don’t stop yourself at just writing, either. This is your time to express your mental landscape however you’d like, whether it be writing, drawing, or just simply contemplating a blank page.

Embrace this time and freedom to explore new dimensions of your own inner world.

Safe Space & Mental Sanctuary

Journaling is an excellent (and free!) form of therapy accessible to anyone, anywhere and anytime. It can serve as a self-care ritual that brings stability and deeper understanding. Research suggests that just 15 minutes, three times a week, can boost overall happiness! 

When taking note of the events or worries we’ve experienced throughout the day, we realize how much agency and power we have. Acknowledging our responsibility for our own happiness and outlook on life can be enlightening and fulfilling.

In life we will never completely avoid hardships or trauma, big or small,  but it is found that those who use more positive or neutral self-expression tend to lead happier and more satisfying lives than those who lean towards negative self-talk. 

Taking a moment to introspect and explore our emotions in a safe space facilitates effective emotional processing and valuable insights. Allow yourself this sanctuary and discover how much control you have over your emotions and well-being.

Deeper Understanding of Self

How often are we truly honest with ourselves? Sometimes we find ourselves hoping for something to unfold a certain way while simultaneously sensing it just doesn’t feel right. Journaling is an opportunity to practice radical honesty. 

It also allows us to discover and explore all the complex layers we’re made of. We have so much space within ourselves but during the day-to-day we can’t always explore our own gray areas and recognize the coexistence of conflicting emotions within us. 

Take a moment with pen and paper to gain a deeper understanding of your inner self, emotions, why you feel certain emotions and so on. Even reflecting on the mundane daily occurrences can unveil insights and self-realizations previously hidden from us.

True Gratitude

And let's be clear: without grief, there is no gratitude; both can and will exist. Take the time to reflect on both.

You’ll likely find that amidst your grievances, there are aspects of life you feel particularly grateful for. This not only boosts your mood but also increases your self-confidence as you reflect on the challenges you’ve faced and overcome or are currently navigating. Also, while it's important to reflect on what we’re grateful for, its just as important to consider what we’ve learned through our hardships and the wisdom we’ve walked away with. 

Try writing three areas of hardship and three aspects of gratitude. This practice can serve as an excellent tool for acknowledging and processing emotions while clearing your mental channels. 

Go ahead & give it a try.

Dedicate 10-15 minutes, 3 times per week, of getting your thoughts on paper and realize how powerful this practice can be for personal growth and overall wellbeing.


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