3 Things You’ll (Almost) Never Find In My Kitchen

A huge part of a healthy lifestyle comes down to managing your environment. While balance will look different for everyone, for most of us, significantly reducing the types of foods listed below will lead to the greatest success.

You don’t eat what you crave, you crave what you eat. Therefore, opt for foods that work with your body, not against it.


These processed ingredients, often accompanied by added sugars, are notorious for causing uncomfortable bloat and that unwanted “bubble gut” feeling.

Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can wreak havoc on your gut microbiome over time.  

Many of these processed foods could do without the unnecessary additives, but they’re included as a way to cut corners on the cost of production.

Take almond milk, for instance, as a staple for many; it’s frequently loaded with fillers to reduce the amount of almonds needed.

Instead, go for alternatives with fewer and cleaner ingredients that are easily recognizable. This way, you’ll have a better understanding of what you’re nourishing your body with.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Cheaper & sweeter than regular sugar, high fructose corn syrup absorbs very quickly into the body and can be extremely addictive, making it easy to overconsume foods that contain this ingredient.

 A good rule of thumb is to source products with a simplified ingredient list or make homemade alternatives.

Recognize the correlation between consumption and craving. Limit indulging and avoid purchasing these items for your home to make the journey towards healthier eating habits significantly easier.

When consumed regularly, high fructose corn syrup can lead to obesity, negatively affect hormone balances, and cause digestion issues.

Unfortunately, this ingredient is hidden in many surprising products such as peanut butter, ketchup, crackers, apple sauce, and more. 

Liquid Calories

Pop, fruit juices, alcohol, and sports drinks, to name a few, are all effortless ways to consume far too many calories.

Drinking calories doesn’t give your body the same signals to stop eating as solid foods do. On top of that, they don’t have any nutritional value, making them completely empty calories and highly addictive with their high sugar content can be very addictive. 

For healthier alternatives, keep it simple with sparkling water, fruit-infused water, tea, or kombucha.

If eliminating sweetened drinks feels drastic, try lower-calorie options such as Zevia, Olipop, or Poppi. 


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