Foolproof Guide To Consistency

Reaching and maintaining weight loss isn’t easy.

Remaining consistent is the hardest part of health and fitness but the key to trueeee success. But it doesn’t have to be so difficult!

Follow this foolproof guide to make consistency easy.

Habit Stacking

Maintaining your desired fitness goals will require major life adjustments.

An easy way to stay on top of healthy habits is by stacking new habits with others that you do every day - think brushing your teeth, making your bed, eating breakfast, etc. 

There are countless ways to implement this method to make it work for you!

My favorite ways to implement this is adding a small walk after meals, setting my alarm 10 minutes earlier to meditate and journal before I get out of bed, and adding in a quick stretch if I’m watching TV in the evening. 

Control Your Environment

Why make this even harder than it needs to be?

We all know what environments are the most triggering for us. Do yourself a favor and plan ahead for a better chance of success. 

Often times, our own homes can be the most tempting space. After a long day we want something to get us into the mindset of relaxation. Many times that includes excess and unnecessary snacking.

Make it easier on yourself by limiting the amount of snacks you let into your kitchen. Ensure your grocery list is full of nutritious whole foods that won’t make you want to overeat.

It’s much easier to say “no” to a bag of chips once at the grocery store than have to say no to them every night that week when they’re sitting in your kitchen.

Create New Rituals

We all engage in countless rituals, many of which we’re not even consciously aware of. A ritual is a powerful practice that makes us a sense of contentment and alignment with ourselves.

Whether it’s your morning walk to a café, your evening bedtime routine, or cooking a nutritious meal, healthy rituals can contribute to not only your physical well-being but also to our mental health.

Maintaining good health will require a lifelong commitment so it’s crucial we find ways to enjoy and even romanticize it. 

One of my favorite rituals is waking up early in the morning to meditate, make myself a health breakfast and get some work done while my energy levels and creativity are at their peak.

Lean On Your Community

You are the average of the people you spend the most time with.

This journey is much more difficult if you’re going at it alone.

Include your close friends and family in on your goals and the reasons behind them. They’ll likely be supportive, help you stay accountable, and may even join you on this journey! However, this can may uncover some relationships that are no longer conducive to your growth. 

If your immediate circle isn’t the right fit, social media can be a positive space for finding others who share similar goals and passions.

Track Your Progress

Find a constructive way to track progress so you can better understand what works and what doesn’t.

This is also a great way to make the journey gratifying. Create milestones for yourself and whenever you hit one, reward yourself with new workout gear, a weekend trip, or a night out. 

While aesthetic measures are most commonly tracked, I also like tracking aspects that are completely in our control.

Whether it’s committing to a certain number of gym sessions per year, a protein intake target, or hitting a specific step count, each serves as a valid metric to ensure you’re consistently advancing towards your goals.


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